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Board Members


Miyoko Honjo representative director

Shinichiro Sakai  Director

Hoshika Takao  Director

Seiji Akamine  Director

Sota Nishimoto  Auditor


堺信一郎   取締役

星加隆雄   取締役

赤嶺誠司   取締役

西本奏太   監査役



Hirano Corporation celebrated its 50th anniversary in February 2023. We would like to express our gratitude to all of our business partners and local residents for their support. In the midst of this major milestone, on August 1, 2023, we shifted to a holding company structure with KAKIEMON Holdings, Inc. as the parent company to manage the entire group for the purpose of further development of the group business. The name "KAKIEMON" is also derived from the persimmon tree planted by Eiji Hirano. The letters of the word "KAKIEMON" are "Kaki" for "fruit," "Ei" for "Eiji" and "Mon" for "Ichimon". It was a big decision to keep the light of Hirano Corporation, which our founder, Eiji Hirano, has cultivated with local residents, burning for eternity.

In order to change the structure of the company, we have adopted a scheme in which employees, generally referred to as "EBOs," will take over the management of the company. This is still a rarity in rural areas, and some people may be concerned or even curious about it. However, please rest assured. We are proud of the fact that this scheme was made possible only because Hirano Corporation has many employees who have a spirit of love for the company. We will continue to work as one to develop Hirano Corporation even more than before. In order to respond flexibly to the diversifying external environment under this new structure, we are currently working to improve operational efficiency and realize what needs to be changed and what needs to be developed, such as responding to digital transformation, acquiring Eco Action 21 certification, and SDGs certification, mainly in the specialized fields of the construction industry. 

As we approach the next stage of our 100th anniversary, Hirano Corporation and KAKIEMON will continue to take on the challenge of changing what has not been the norm into the norm.

We look forward to your continued support in the years to come.


株式会社平野工務店は令和5年2月をもって、創業50周年を迎える事ができました。これもお取引の皆様をはじめ地域の皆様のおかげであると感謝申し上げます。 この大きな節目の中、令和5年8月1日にグループ事業の更なる発展を目的に、グループ全体の経営管理を行う「株式会社KAKIEMON(かきえもん)ホールディングス」を親会社としたホールディングス体制へ移行いたしました。 当社の敷地には平野英壽会長が大事に育てた柿の木があり、私たちはこの柿の木を通じて会長から沢山のことを教えて頂きました。KAKIEMONの社名の由来も弊社の平野が植えた柿の木に由来するものです。文字に起こしますと「果物の『柿』」・「英壽の『英』」・「一門の『門』」でございます。創業者である平野英壽が地域の皆様と培ってきた平野工務店の灯(ともしび)を未来永劫にわたって消さないための大きな決断でございました。








2024年2月 本城美代子



Group companies under KAKIEMON Inc.


External Partners


Together with experts in their respective fields,
We work towards solving the problems faced by companies.


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